Live Qigong Class Schedule

Zoom Classes Every Week

Ready to experience Qigong firsthand so you can release stress and feel more joy? Check out our class schedule below!

Our Classes

  • Energizing Qigong Flow (30 Min.)

    Feeling depressed, low-energy, unmotivated, or sluggish? This energizing Qigong flow is complete with gentle but invigorating self-massage techniques, breathwork, and Qigong movements to help you clear stress and tension from the body, and boost your metabolism and overall energy!

  • Gentle Qigong Flow, Breathwork, and Meditation (30 Min.)

    The perfect way to end the day, or have a mid-day self-care break, our Gentle Qigong Flow class consists of: slower flows, gentle self-massage, acupressure meditation, and calming breathing exercises to prepare your mind and body for rest and relaxation! This class is excellent for stress relief and overall emotional balancing.

  • Tai Chi Easy for Optimal Health (30 Min.)

    Love beautiful, flowing martial arts movements? This class offers a simplified version of Tai Chi that is inspired by the widely popular Tai Chi Yang Style 24 Form movements to help you increase your balance and flexibility, build strength, decrease your blood pressure, and calm your mind.

Live Class Sneak Peak

Curious about what a live Qigong class is like? Check out the video below to see a shortened version of our regular 30-minute Zoom classes!

Class Schedule

Book a live online Qigong class by selecting one of the options below!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Qigong is often called a “moving meditation.” It’s an ancient mind-body practice that was started in China thousands of years ago as a way to prevent illness and promote holistic wellbeing. Qigong often consists of a combination of mindful movement, breathing techniques, self-applied massage, and meditation. It is a gentle form of exercise that can be modified for anyone, even those who cannot stand or walk! To learn more about Qigong, click here.

  • The beauty of Qigong is that you can do it wearing just about anything! It is gentle and helps you circulate your blood without having to do any aerobic activity (or sweating!). However, to maximize your comfort (and to ensure that Qi is flowing efficiently throughout your body), it is recommended to wear loose clothing as you are doing the practice.

  • To help promote a sense of community in the virtual studio, we highly encourage you to keep your video on during the class! However, we also understand that you may not prefer to have your video on, which we completely respect. You are free to participate with your video off.

  • Replays of the live Zoom Qigong classes will not be available after the class is finished. However, all live class replays will be available to active members of our Inner Oasis monthly membership program. To learn more about Inner Oasis, click here.

Can’t make it to any live classes but want to watch the replays?

Interested in Private Qigong Lessons for a customized approach?